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- Laws of Computer Programming V
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- Snafu Equation VI
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- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 1
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 2
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 3
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 4
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 5
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 6
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 7
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 8
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 9
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 10
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 11
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 12
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 13
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 14
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 15
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 16
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 17
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 18
- The 19 Rules for Good Riting - 19
- The Billings Phenomenon
- The Carpenter's Rule
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- The Digger's Dilemma (or the Law of Augmented Returns)
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- The Hidden Truth of Management
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- The Law of Stupid Tricks
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- Theory of Organizational Deviance
- Theory of Selective Supervision
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- The Peter Principle
- The Pollyanna Paradox
- The Principle Concerning Multifunctional Devices
- The Rueful Bachelor's Law
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- The Rule of Invitations
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- The Ultimate Law
- The Ultimate Principle
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- Third Law of Survival
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