Random One-Liners

Mr. Schuster: I didn’t know Orientals had a sense of humor.

Yemana: Are you kidding? We invented gunpowder.

(1917 – 1979) Japanese-American actor

Tell her I ain’t crawlin’ home to her with my tail between her legs.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Like something you'd see if the NRA had its own music-video channel.

(1959 – ) American film critic

Confucius say… Rudolph was grounded after his dad saw his report card because he went down in history.

She's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth.

Confucius say… sex is like vacation… it never lasts long enough.

You’re trying to give him goremets dinners.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

And so the fact that they purchased the machine meant somebody had to make the machine; and when somebody makes a machine, it means there's jobs at the machine-making place.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

So ugly the tide wouldn’t take her out.

People who live in glass houses should masturbate in the basement.

(1972 – ) Irish comedian & television presenter

The death angel struck Alexander McGlue and gave him protracted repose; he wore a checked shirt and a No. 9 shoe And had a pink wart on his nose. No doubt he is happy a-dwelling in space over on the evergreen shore. His friends are informed that his funeral takes place at precisely a quarter past four.

Studies have shown that an ant can carry one hundred times its own weight, but there is no known limit to the lifting power of the average tiny eighty-year-old Spanish peasant grandmother.

(1948 – ) English novelist

Hornets Will Accent Throwing Game In '81

It is a secret in the Oxford sense; you may tell it to only one person at a time.

(1905 – 1992) English civil servant & philosopher

I'm tired of fighting! I guess this thing is going to get me.

born Erik Weisz (1874 – 1926) Hungarian-born American magician, stunt performer & escape artist

Confucius say… many people quit looking for work when they find a job.

If you was eavesdripping, that there is a very defensive thing to do.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

No other country would use their technology to invent a fat substitute that when you put it on potato chips causes involuntary loose stools.

(1961 – ) comedian, writer, radio & television personality & blogger

Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way through.

(1926 – 2010) Canadian actor

Isn't it great to live in a society where the penalty for lying to a congressman can be up to 30 years in jail, but the penalty for a congressman lying to you is another two years in office.

(1955 – ) American sportswriter

Learn the living from the dead, how easy breaks life's tender thread