Subject: Yogi-isms


Amusing unintended or unconventional, grammatical errors or misuse of words, phrases, pronunciation or vocabulary attributed to baseball player ‘Yogi’ Berra.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

The future ain’t what it used to be.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

I’m not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia; let them walk to school like I did!

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

It was hard to have a conversation with anyone; there were so many people talking.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

He’s a big clog in their machine.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

Yeah, only in America could a thing like that happen.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

It was pretty good… even the music was nice.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

A nickel isn’t worth a dime today.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

We’re lost, but we’re making good time.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

He must have made it before he died.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

And they give you cash, which is just as good as money.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

I knew exactly where it was, I just couldn’t find it.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

I didn’t really say everything I said.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

Bill Dickey is learning me his experience.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

Little League baseball is a good thing ’cause it keeps the parents off the streets, and it keeps the kids out of the house!

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

Every time I see him, he's not there.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

If you see the ball, hit it… that’s what it’s there for.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager