Subject: Activities (Page 40)

Exercise: The joy of flex.

Smoking is a dying habit.

(1948 – ) British politician

Bus Driver: A person who tells people where to get off.

The one who snores will fall asleep first.

I liked Amsterdam… I spent $2,000 window shopping.

(1957 – ) American comedian

Bus schedules are arranged so your bus will arrive at the transfer point precisely one minute after the connecting bus has left.

Do you ever do one chore, and then celebrate that for ten years?

(1978 – ) American stand-up comedian, actress & writer

Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything.

(1934 – 1997) journalist

There is no traffic until you need to make a left turn.

The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with ONLY a loaf of bread are three billion to one.

(1927 – 1996) columnist & humorist

Excuse me, my leg has gone to sleep; do you mind if I join it?

(1887 – 1943) theater critic & commentator

I get my exercise from acting as a pallbearer to my friends who exercise.

(1834 – 1928) American attorney for Cornelius Vanderbilt

Insomnia: The inability to sleep even when it’s time to get up.

Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

Several members of our youth department are collecting donations for Operation Graduation. Funds will be used for a drug and alcohol party following graduation on May 29th.

A family vacation is when you go away with the people you need to get away from.

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

The word aerobics comes from two Greek words: aero, – meaning “ability to,” and bics, – meaning “withstand tremendous boredom.”

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

You might be a redneck if… you've ever cut your grass and found a car.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

Men – because of a tragic flaw – cannot see dirt until there is enough of it to support agriculture.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

I hate traveling, I guess ’cause my dad used to beat me with a globe.

(1965 – ) American stand-up comedian & television host

Set aside half an hour every day to do all your worrying; then take a nap during this period.