Subject: Activities » Shopping (Page 2)

No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

You ever go shopping for a really cute, little, sexy black dress – and you come home with an extra-large pepperoni pizza?

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I’d rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you.

Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

(1939 – 2010) American actress

She took my son to Costco, bought 14 pounds of Oreos – and saved us money somehow.

American stand-up comedian

When I was a kid, you ate, and you drank, and you passed out and nobody woke you up and said, 'Let's go shopping.'

(1948 – ) stand-up comedian, actor, author & playwright

I take him shopping with me… I say, 'OK, Jesus, help me find a bargain.'

(1942 – 2007) American televangelist (was married to Jim Bakker)

My marriage is on the rocks again, yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

The slowest checker is always at the quick-check-out lane.

The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.


Bargain: A transaction in which each party thinks he has cheated the other.

Men can say things in stores women can't believe like, "but I already have a pair of black pants.”

(1952 – ) comedian

The customer is always ripe.

Window Shopping: Eye browsing.

Futon World – a wonderful place that becomes slowly less comfortable over time.

(1973 – ) American comedian

I buy a dress because I need change for gum.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

People will buy anything that's one to a customer.

I went to a 7-11 and asked for a 2×4 and a box of 3×5′s and the clerk said, “ten-four.”

The first time you go out after your wife’s birthday, you will see the gift you gave her marked down fifty percent.
Corollary: If she’s with you, she’ll assume you chose it because it was cheap.

Consumer: One who delights advertisers by acquiring unnecessary products.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

I ask myself questions in those stores I don't ask myself anywhere else, like, 'Will I live long enough to use all those paper towels?'

American comedian & musician