Subject: Activities » Travel (Page 4)

He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from the next freeway exit.

1. The last gas station for 50 miles will be closed when you get there. 2. At the moment of any departure, the level of gas in your tank depends entirely on how late you are. 3. You only run out of gas after your wife tells you to stop for gas before you run out.

It always takes longer to get there than to get back.

Sometimes the road is less traveled for a reason.

The strength of the turbulence is directly proportional to the temperature of your coffee.

The faster the plane, the narrower the seats.

The last rush-hour express bus to your neighborhood leaves five minutes before you get off work.

How do you get off of a non-stop flight?

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Whatever carrousel you stand by, your baggage will come in on another one.

I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine.

(1911 – ) American editor & writer

There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane: Either you have diarrhea, or you’re anxious to meet people who do.

(1957 – 2007) American stand-up comedian & actor