Subject: Appearance (Page 4)

Kilt: A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Stomach: A bowl-shaped cavity containing the organs of indigestion.

I went to look for a used car and found my wife's dress in the back seat.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

She has a wash and wear bridal gown.

(1906 – 1998) English-born American comedian

Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window; you may love it when you get it home, but it doesn't always go with everything else in the house.

(1922 – 2003) author & playwright

She was short on intellect, but long on shape.

(1866 – 1944) American writer, newspaper columnist, playwright & humorist

All the men in my family are bald, and all the women are hunchbacked – and they don’t know we’re bald.


Liz: Why are you wearing a tux?

Jack: It’s after 6 o’clock Lemon. What am I, a farmer?

(1958 – ) American actor & producer

You can put a coat and tie on a goat, and it’s still a goat.

Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same thing: ‘This looks much better on.’… On what?… On fire?

(1954 – ) American actress & comedian

I’m actually pale blue: it takes me a week of sunbathing to turn white.

(1942 – ) Scottish comedian, musician & actor

Militant feminists, I take my hat off to them, they don’t like that.

(1964 – ) English comedian

Probably the worst thing you can hear when you’re wearing a bikini is “Good for you!”

You might be a redneck if… you've ever bought lingerie at a yard sale.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

I'm in terrible shape… I need a nap after I fart.

(1965 – ) American stand-up comedian & television host

It is the vanity of women to spend hours in front of a mirror; it is the vanity of men not to bother.

(1967 – ) English comedian

I’d wring your neck… if you had one.

(1899 – 1973) English playwright, actor, composer, director & songwriter

The chief excitement in a woman's life is spotting women who are fatter than she is.

(1876 – 1950) journalist & humorist

If you don’t want gays in the military, make the uniforms ugly.

(1935 – 2014) American comedian, television personality, writer & director

Why doesn’t the fattest man in the world become a hockey goalie?

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

When I don't look like the tragic muse, I look like the smoky relic of the great Boston Fire.

(1832 – 1888) novelist