Subject: Appearance (Page 6)

Actually, it only seems as though you mustn't be deceived by appearances.

Skeleton: A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.

Alfred Hitchcock: One look at you and I know there's famine in the land.

Shaw’s reply: One look at you, Mr. Hitchcock, and I know who caused it.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

My friend was told by her doctor that she was morbidly obese… as if she doesn’t have enough on her plate.

(1972 – ) Anglo-Irish comedian, writer & actor

Lord, if I can't be skinny, please let all my friends be fat.

(1936 – 2005) Irish comedian

Gal reminds me of the highway between Forth Worth and Dallas – no curves.

cartoon character (Mel Blanc)

The best cure for hypochondria is to forget about your body and get interested in someone else's.

(Aiskowitz) (1899 – 1982) humorist

If you don’t want gays in the military, make the uniforms ugly.

(1935 – 2014) American comedian, television personality, writer & director

That baby's cuter than a speckled pup in a red wagon.

I don’t know why I should even bother to eat this. I should just apply it directly to my hips.

(1939 – ) American actress

I had one guy at a gas station in New York say to me, “Hey, you look like that Hugh Grant… no offense.”

(1960 – ) English actor

There's a new slimming course just out where they remove all your bones; not only do you weigh less, but you also look so much more relaxed.

(1919 – 1985) Scottish comedian & actor

He’s even smaller in real life than he is on the track.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

I kept thinking, if his face was that wrinkled, what did his balls look like?

(1937 – ) English painter, printmaker, stage designer & photographer

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.

When people tell you how young you look, they are also telling you how old you are

(1904 – 1986) English-American actor

I’ve never read an article of clothing.

(1973 – ) American comedian

He is so ugly… the psychiatrist makes him lie face down.

If God had intended us to go around naked, He would have made us that way.

I tried cocaine to lose weight… it just made me eat faster.

(1953 – ) American comedian & actor

If you have a pear shaped body, you should not wear pear colored clothes, or act juicy.

(1973 – ) American comedian