Subject: Beliefs » Honesty (Page 10)

Please don't lie to me, unless you're absolutely sure I'll never find out the truth.

(1933 – ) English author & cartoonist

Many people would be more truthful were it not for their uncontrollable desire to talk.

(1853 – 1937) journalist, writer & editor

Facts and truth really don’t have much to do with each other.

(1897-1962) American writer

It takes two to lie, Marge. One to lie and one to listen.

cartoon character in The Simpsons (Dan Castellaneta)

There is one sure way of telling when politicians aren't telling the truth — their lips move.

(1946 – ) English actress

I must choose my words carefully in order to avoid any negative interpretation; among politicians, this is a tactic known as lying.

(1927 – 1997) Am. comedian & satirist notable for mock presidential campaign

An alibi is a reason with a bad reputation.

(1926 – ) newspaper columnist

What do you call an honest Iranian businessman? … Asif.

(1965 – ) British-Iranian comedian, actor & writer

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

There are two kinds of truth: there are real truths, and there are made up truths.

(1936 – ) American politician, Mayor of Washington, D.C.

Telling lies is a fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an accomplishment in a bachelor, and second-nature in a married man.

(1876 – 1950) journalist & humorist