Subject: Characteristics (Page 3)

On the whole, human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time.

Eric Arthur Blair (1903 – 50) English author & journalist

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

Modesty is my best quality.

(1894 – 1974) comedian, radio & television host

Coming from Canada, being a writer and Jewish as well, I have impeccable paranoia credentials.

(1931 – 2001) Canadian author, screenwriter & essayist

I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb… and I also know that I’m not blonde.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

There is no substitute for good manners… except, perhaps, fast reflexes.

Actually, it only seems as though you mustn't be deceived by appearances.

I never trust a man unless I've got his pecker in my pocket.

(1908 – 1973) 36th U.S. president

Intuition: That strange instinct that tells a woman she is right, whether she is or not.

It's far easier to forgive an enemy after you've got even with him.

(1918 - 2002) American author

Forgive your enemies… if you can’t get back at them any other way.

(1908 – 1980) businessman, humorist

If you can’t annoy somebody with what you write, I think there’s little point in writing.

(1922 – 1995) English novelist & poet

He was a very immortal person.

I keep reading between the lies.

(Aiskowitz) (1899 – 1982) humorist

Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent.

(1922 – 2003) author & playwright

Long engagements give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which is never advisable.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry.

(1860 – 1904) Russian short-story writer, playwright & physician

Admiration: Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him.

(1880 – 1956) journalist, essayist, editor & satirist

If you really are superior, you don't go around saying you're superior – unless you're Jewish.

Canadian-American comedian & writer

At any particular time, there are more horse's asses in the world than horses.