Subject: Characteristics (Page 45)

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Men are pigs; too bad we own everything.

(1953 – ) comedian & actor

Nixon is a purposeless man, but I have great faith in his cowardice.

(1930 – 2017) American journalist & author

People who never get carried away should be.

(1919 – 1990) publisher & author

When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place.

(1930 – 2017) American journalist & author

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them round to dinner.

(1952 – 2001) English writer, dramatist, & musician

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.

(1918 – 2002) advice columnist

He’s the type of man who will end up dying in his own arms.

(1931 – ) American actress & singer

You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.

(450 BC – 388 BC) Greek Athenian comic playwright

Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom.

(1533 – 1592) French writer

I'm not indecisive; am I indecisive?

(1947 – ) American politician & mayor

Ronald Reagan is not a typical politician because he doesn't know how to lie, cheat, and steal; he's always had an agent do that.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

Guilt: The gift that keeps on giving.

(1927 – 1996) columnist & humorist

Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths.

Flattery is telling people exactly what they think of themselves.

My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance; we’ll see about that.

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

What makes resisting temptation difficult for many people is they don't want to discourage it completely.

(1908 – 1980) businessman, humorist

It’s useless to hold a person to anything he says while he’s in love, drunk, or running for office.

(1934 – ) American actress, dancer, activist & author

Some people have a chip on their shoulder; Billy has a whole lumberyard.

(1919 – 1998) American sportswriter

If you really are superior, you don’t go around saying you’re superior – unless you’re Jewish.

Canadian-American comedian & writer