Subject: Characteristics (Page 8)

Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths.

He turned out to be so many different characters he could have populated all of War and Peace and still had a few people left over.

(1920 – ) author, editor, journalist, playwright & television producer

The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head.

(1948 – ) English novelist

When we got into office, the thing that surprised me most was to find that things were just as bad as we'd been saying they were.

(1917 – 1963) 35th U.S. president

He never seemed to be doing anything, and yet he did not like to be disturbed at it.

(1807 – 1892) American poet & advocate of the abolition of slavery

Don't be so humble – you are not that great.

(1898 – 1978) Israeli prime minister

Style, is like a frog:  you can dissect the thing, but it somehow dies in process.


Whatever women do, they must do it twice as well as men to be thought half as good.

The fury engendered by the misspelling of a name in a (newspaper) column is in direct ratio to the obscurity of the mentionee.

If you don't like my opinion of you, you can always improve.

(1933 – ) English author & cartoonist

I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it.

(1933 – ) English author & cartoonist

When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place.

(1930 – 2017) American journalist & author

If you don't know where you're going, any train will get you there.

At least you are not obnoxious like so many other people – you are obnoxious in a different and worse way!

Shirley Temple had charisma as a child… but it cleared up as an adult.

(1930 – 1978) American comedian

My girlfriend thinks I’m very mature. She also thinks I’m incapable of being faithful. My wife, on the other hand…

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.

(1957 – ) cartoonist (Dilbert)

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.

(1879 – 1955) German-born physicist

You won’t regret the men you never killed, but you will regret the women you passed up.

(1944 – ) English author

Never trust a husband too far or a bachelor too near.

(1876 – 1950) journalist & humorist

An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.

(1912 – 2003) newspaper columnist