Subject: Classifieds (Page 25)

Sheer stockings. Designed for fancy dress, but so serviceable that lots of women wear nothing else.

Potty Chair, solid oak, light brown stain. $20

Wanted to Rent – Wanted: Room to rent. Saudi Arabia students are looking for American families to live with. Call Osamah at 419-….

Ploughing the loneliest furrow. Nineteen personal ads and counting. Only one reply. It was my mother telling me not to forget the bread on my way home from B&Q. Man, 51.

TALKING DOG, speaks 4 languages, only $50. 309-693-….

I celebrated my fortieth birthday last week by cataloguing my collection of bird feeders. Next year I'm hoping for sexual intercourse. And a cake. Join my invite mailing list at box no. 6831. Man

MUST SELL: 3 grave spaces in Laureland, very reasonable. Plus air conditioner.

For Sale:  Women’s clothes. Owned by future ex-wife, need to sell quick before divorce.

FREE TO GOOD HOME – Beautiful 6 mo. old male kitten — orange & caramel tabby, playful, friendly very affectionate, ideal for family w/ kids. OR Handsome 32 yr. old husband – personable, funny, good job, but doesn't like cats. Says he goes or cat goes. Call Jennifer 265-…. — come see both and decide which you'd like.

CLASSIFIED: An unexpected vacancy for a knife-thrower's assistant. Rehearsals start immediately.

Enthusiastic and alive with a desire to lead others

Selection As Big As The North Pole.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Free Sample!

WANTED: Used Paint

2-FUDGE PACKING MACHINES, $300. Ea. … Steve or George

Algonquin Jaycees – in cooperation with: Citizens Against Drunk Driving – are offering a Sobering deal… a FREE Sandwich with the purchase of 20 beers


Garage sale: Come and partake of the drapes of wrath, sofas choice, star dreck, broken china syndrome, laricats of wire and rubble without cause.

Philanthropy is my middle name. It's just a name though so don't be expecting any free rides. You can call me Mr Wallace. My first name is none of your business. Applications to box no. 9741.

All Remaining Furniture 1/2 Price to 50% Off – Storewide!

Turkey Shoot Slated – The Malheur Gun Club will hold a turkey shoot Sunday at the Vale Airport… Winners will receive hams.