Subject: Colemanballs (Page 8)

I can play in the center, on the right, and occasionally on the left side.

professional football player

I'd rather play in front of a full house than an empty crowd.

Irish football player & manager

We lost because we didn't win.

What would help the Ecuadorian side is if they could get a glimpse of the possibility of scoring a goal.

English football player, manager & analyst

Her time is about 4.33, which she’s capable of.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

You’re always going to be struggling if you haven’t got a left foot.

English football player & analyst

And Arsenal now have plenty of time to dictate the last few seconds.

English football player

The good news for Nigeria is that they’re two-nil down very early in the game.

English football player & manager

It’s now 1-1, an exact reversal of the score on Saturday.

I'd like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona.

Wayne Rooney really has a man’s body on a teenager’s head.

Irish football player

He held his head in his hands as it flashed past the post.

Scottish football player & broadcaster

Newcastle, of course, unbeaten in their last five wins.

English football player & commentator

If confidence could be bought, all the rich people would have it and all the poor people would have to… make their own arrangements.

English football player & manager

The ball could have gone anywhere and almost did.

English professional football player & commentator

Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one.

I don’t know if that was a good bad one or a bad good one.

English football player, manager & sports commentator

Romania are more Portuguese than German.

English football player & commentator

The gelling period has just started to knit.

England football player

It was like the ref had a brand new yellow card and wanted to see if it worked.

We haven’t had the rub of the dice.

English football player & manager