Subject: Communication » Language (Page 6)

Opera in English is, in the main, just about as sensible as baseball in Italian.

(1880 – 1956) journalist, essayist, editor & satirist

He would come in and say he changed his mind… which was a gilded figure of speech, because he didn't have any.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

If I seem out of it tonight, it's 'cause I'm hooked on phonics.


Nothing risqué, nothing gained.

(1887 – 1943) theater critic & commentator

It was so quiet, you could hear a pun drop.

(1886 – 1969) American journalist & humorist

I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered, but I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: – 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.'

(1884 – 1962) diplomat & reformer & first lady

A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men, and I just want to say to the authors of that study "Duh."

(1963 – ) television host & comedian

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

(1911 – 2004) 40th U.S. president & actor

Murder is a crime – describing murder is not; sex is not a crime – describing sex is.

(1917 – 1999) American sexologist

Who’s cruel idea was it to put an “s” in the word “lisp”?

(1937 – 2008) stand-up comedian, social critic, actor & author

Marriage: The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making in all, two.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

Alphabet: A toy for children found in books, blocks, pictures, and some soup.

If I had a bookstore I would make all the mystery novels hard to find.

(1973 – ) American comedian

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

(1937 – 2008) stand-up comedian, social critic, actor & author

Epigram: A wisecrack that played Carnegie Hall.

(1906 – 1972) pianist, composer, author, comedian & actor

Eloquence: The art of saying the proper thing and stopping.

(1613 – 1680) French writer

Ambidextrous: Able to pick with equal skill a right-hand pocket or a left.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Censor: A man who knows more than he thinks you ought to.

(1919 – 1990) educator & writer

Let me ask you… would crack be so bad, and would people think so harshly of crack, if it were called 'crackle'?

(1968 – ) American actor & comedian

I bought a dictionary, and the first thing I did was look up dictionary… it said “you’re an asshole.”

(1973 – ) American comedian