Subject: Communication » Speech (Page 10)

I asked the barmaid for a quickie; the man next to me said, 'It's pronounced quiche.'

I am the most spontaneous speaker in the world because every word, every gesture, and every retort has been carefully rehearsed.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.

Once you overcome your fear of public speaking, you’ll never be asked to speak again.

That woman, got a mouth like an outboard motor.

cartoon character (Mel Blanc)

A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat.

(1928 – ) British journalist, writer & columnist

You might be a redneck if… your child’s first words are “Attention Kmart shoppers!

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

If you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me.

(1884 – 1980) author & wit

I will be brief… not nearly so brief as Salvador Dali, who gave the world's shortest speech; he said 'I will be so brief I have already finished,' and he sat down."

I’ve given up asking rhetorical questions… what’s the point?

(1952 – ) British stand-up comedian, actor & author

I will be so brief I have already finished.

(1904 – 1989) Spanish surrealist painter

I am told that I talk in shorthand and then smudge it.

(1892 – 1973) English writer

I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.

(1921 – ) former First Lady of the United States & actress

That's why we in shock as a country 'cause we went from a president that would make up words to a president that make us look up the words when he talks.

(1971 – ) American comedian & actress

If I look confused it is because I am thinking.

(1879 – 1974) film producer

Gossip is just news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress.

(1923 – ) American journalist & gossip columnist

An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.

(1890 – 1969) 34th U.S. president, U.S. Army General

We need a twelve-step group for compulsive talkers; they could call it On Anon Anon.

(1959 – ) American comedian

When the Republicans read the Constitution on the House floor, that's the first time ever that Republicans read something that wasn't written by a lobbyist.

(1961 – ) comedian, writer, radio & television personality & blogger

The only time I talk on the golf course is to my caddie. And then only to complain when he gives me the wrong club.

Spanish professional golfer

Blurt: To speak the truth.