Subject: Conflict » Fights

No matter how much the cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.

(1809 – 1865) 16th U.S. president

Peace: In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

If it weren’t for marriage, husband and wives would have to fight with strangers.

(1919 – 1985) Scottish comedian & actor

If you ever see me getting beaten by the police, put down the video camera and come help me.

(1962 – ) comedian, actor, voice actor, screenwriter, & film & television director

The world is a dangerous place; only yesterday I went into [a store] and punched someone in the face.

English musician, actor, writer & comedian

The Middle Eastern states aren’t nations, they’re quarrels with borders.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

I’m not a fighter; I was once run over by a car being pushed by two guys.

(1935 – ) movie actor, director & comedian

Pacifist: A fellow who could attend a peace conference without getting into a fight.

I've had 117 fights and that's the first time I've ever won.

(1929 – ) American baseball player who had a well-publicized bipolar disorder

I will personally challenge anyone who wants to get rid of fighting to a fight.

American-Canadian hockey executive

Every fight is a food fight when you’re a cannibal.

(1973 – ) American comedian

We know how much fans enjoy a good brawl, so we are going to guarantee a fight. If there is not a single five-minute fighting major given to a player, every fan in attendance will receive a free ticket to the following home game.

The best ally you can have in breaking up a street fight is a grandmother.

(John Bloom) (1953 – ) American film critic, writer & actor

The bigger they are, the harder they hit.

If it is worth fighting for, it is worth fighting dirty for.

If I play badly I’ll pick a fight in the third, just to get into a fight. I’ll break a guy’s leg to win, I don’t care. Afterward I say, ‘Yeah, all right I played badly, but I won the fight so who gives a damn.'

Canadian hockey player

Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

Most people assume the fights are going to be the left versus the right, but it always is the reasonable versus the jerks.

(1966 – ) entrepreneur, founder of Wikipedia

Hockey’s the only place where a guy can go nowadays and watch two white guys fight.

(1938 – 2017) American sportswriter & novelist

Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they’ve got nothing to lose.

(1951 – 2014) comedian & actor

If you are going to have a fight with a visiting club, be sure to insult them the day they come to town, and not the last day of the series. It pays off better.

(1914 – 1986) American baseball team owner & promoter