Subject: Confucius say (Page 17)

Confucius say… she who douches with vinegar, walk around with sour puss.

Confucius say… if you run into your ex on the street, just shift into reverse and keep going.

Confucius say… the only thing divorce proves is whose mother was right in the first place.

Confucius say… just because men have one, doesn't mean they have to be one.

Confucius say… who says he knows how to control a wife is called a bachelor.

Confucius say… don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.

Confucius say… is much better to want the mate you do not have than to have the mate you do not want.

Confucius say… if you continue to live in the past, your life is history.

Confucius say… man who get hit by car, get that run down feeling.

Confucius say… prisoner who paints in jail, will have brush with the law.

Confucius say… grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children.

Confucius say… man’s mind is like parachute; works best when open.

Confucius say… man who gets kicked in testicles, left holding the bag.

Confucius say… woman who is wallflower at party, dandelion in bed.

Confucius say… misfortune is the kind of fortune that never misses.

Confucius say… tears are the hydraulic force by which masculine will power is defeated by feminine water power.

Confucius say… man who snatches kisses when young, kisses snatches when old.

Confucius say… many people quit looking for work when they find a job.

Confucius say… he who makes love in grass, gets piece on earth.

Confucius say… man who cries while he masturbates is a real tearjerker.

Confucius say… police will arrest a transvestite, and charge him with male fraud.