Subject: Confucius say (Page 22)

Confucius say… Australian Kiss is similar to French Kiss, but given down under.

Confucius say… woman who dates gambler, gets cheated on.

Confucius say… bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

Confucius say… he who pushes piano down mineshaft get A flat miner.

Confucius say… best way to get a woman to argue with you, is to say something.

Confucius say… enemy is sometimes nothing more than a friend who got wise to you.

Confucius say… marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.

Confucius say… man who have head up ass, have crappy outlook on life.

Confucius say… man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.

Confucius say… man who eat sweets take up two seats.

Confucius say… ‘tis better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Confucius say… people having gift of gab, not know how to wrap it up.

Confucius say… man who sleep like a baby doesn’t have one.

Confucius say… man with a broken condom is called a daddy.

Confucius say… panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.

Confucius say… wok is what you throw at a wabbit.

Confucius say… if men had breasts, they would wear off the pockets of their shirts.

Confucius say… man with hard problem usually give it to woman.

Confucius say… tattoo is permanent proof of temporary insanity.

Confucius say… marriage is like game of poker… you start with pair and end with full house.

Confucius say… is better to be looked over than overlooked.