Subject: Confucius say (Page 26)

Confucius say… before giving someone a piece of your mind, make sure you have enough to spare.

Confucius say… salesperson who covers chair instead of territory always remains on bottom.

Confucius say… he who thinks only of number one must remember this number is next to nothing.

Confucius say… best way for university student to turn their life completely around is to get 90 degrees.

Confucius say… gay man in Chinese restaurant will order sum yung guy.

Confucius say… woman who gives away free potato chips, will offer you a free Lay.

Confucius say… never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction.

Confucius say… woman who is wallflower at party, dandelion in bed.

Confucius say… when hole happy, whole body happy.

Confucius say… he who eat cookies in bed will wake up feeling crumby.

Confucius say… giraffe's family reunion is called necks of kin.

Confucius say… sexy typist will bang on keyboard!

Confucius say… since lawyer joined nudist colony, he hasn't had a suit.

Confucius say… prisoner who paints in jail, will have brush with the law.

Confucius say… he who pushes piano down mineshaft get A flat miner.

Confucius say… difference between pink and purple, is your grip.

Confucius say… Humpty Dumpty had a great fall… after a mediocre summer.

Confucius say… man who cooks carrots and peas in same pot, very unsanitary.

Confucius say… baby conceived in back seat of automatic car grow up to be shiftless bastard.

Confucius say… artificial insemination is procreation without recreation.

Confucius say… 'tis better to have loved a short woman than to have never loved a tall.