Subject: Confucius say (Page 3)

Confucius say… schoolboy who plays with schoolgirl during wrong period get caught red-handed.

Confucius say… some people are like blisters… they don't show up until the work is done.

Confucius say… politician is one who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after.

Confucius say… quietest place in the world is the complaint department at a parachute packing plant.

Confucius say… award winning dentist will be given a little plaque.

Confucius say… never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction.

Confucius say… bachelor is man who never makes the same mistake once.

Confucius say… church's bills are always due unto others.

Confucius say… to prevent hangover stay drunk.

Confucius say… diplomat is a man who can convince his wife that a fur coat will make her look fat.

Confucius say… putting teenager in prison, won't stop his face from breaking out.

Confucius say… part-time bandleaders should be called 'semi-conductors'.

Confucius say… handkerchief should be called cold storage.

Confucius say… Jamaican proctologist is called Pok-e-mon.

Confucius say… at a nudist wedding, you don't have to ask – you can see who the best man is.

Confucius say… man who wish to make headlines should sleep on corduroy pillow.

Confucius say… man who snatches kisses when young, kisses snatches when old.

Confucius say… man who live in glass house should change in basement.

Confucius say… is only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve a problem without violence.

Confucius say… if you want a committed man, look in mental hospital!

Confucius say… live each day as if it were your last, because someday it will be.