Subject: Confucius say (Page 6)

Confucius say… man who gets kicked in testicles, left holding the bag.

Confucius say… who jumps through screen door likely to strain himself.

Confucius say… if you run into your ex on the street, just shift into reverse and keep going.

Confucius say… sex is the only activity where you start at the top and work your way to the bottom, while getting a rise.

Confucius say… Chinese couple who have white baby, name it Sum Ting Wong.

Confucius say… who was a dude before marriage, is now subdued.

Confucius say… balloon factory will go out of business if it can't keep up with inflation.

Confucius say… man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.

Confucius say… man who run behind car get exhausted.

Confucius say… men in a singles bar have one thing in common… they're all married.

Confucius say… man who stand on toilet is high on pot.

Confucius say… geometry teacher who loses parrot, will have polygon.

Confucius say… he who sleep on bed of nails, is indeed a holy man.

Confucius say… man is only as faithful as his options.

Confucius say… student who study history, will find there is no future in it.

Confucius say… man in bathroom with tool in hand is not necessarily a plumber.

Confucius say… sexy typist will bang on keyboard!

Confucius say… is only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve a problem without violence.

Confucius say… who mix poison ivy with four leaf clover, have rash of good luck.

Confucius say… quietest place in the world is the complaint department at a parachute packing plant.

Confucius say… who wants to kill a circus troupe, should go for the juggler.