Subject: Confucius say (Page 8)

Confucius say… naked man fears no pick pocket.

Confucius say… forbidden fruits make many jams.

Confucius say… best time to buy new mattress, at first sign of spring.

Confucius say… she who douches with vinegar, walk around with sour puss.

Confucius say… who pamper his cow, will get spoiled milk.

Confucius say… man who have head up ass, have crappy outlook on life.

Confucius say… man who drive like hell bound to get there.

Confucius say… who start crystal ball factory, bound to make a fortune.

Confucius say… of all the things you wear, your expression is most important.

Confucius say… getting sick at the airport, could be a terminal illness.

Confucius say… prostitute with her hand in her panties is self employed.

Confucius say… wise man makes sure that his wife's birthday cake is short one candle.

Confucius say… girl's best asset is her ‘lie' ability.

Confucius say… people are like teabags – you don't know how strong they are until you put them in hot water.

Confucius say… education is the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.

Confucius say… salesperson who covers chair instead of territory always remains on bottom.

Confucius say… drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

Confucius say… Diet: food that make other people lose weight.

Confucius say… a flower goes through much dirt before it blooms.

Confucius say… time flies like an arrow… fruit flies like bananas.

Confucius say… women are like lawn mowers… if you're not pushing one around, then you're riding it.