Subject: Definitions (Page 23)

Quartet: Four men, all of whom think that the other three can’t sing.

Gentleman: A man who remembers a woman’s birthday but forgets her age.

Keepsake: Something given us by someone we’ve forgotten.

Necking: A passion fancy.

Perfume: Any smell that is used to drown a worse one.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Defame: To lie about another. To tell the truth about another.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Family Planning: Having all your children while their grandparents are still young enough to be babysitters.

Sarcasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn’t get it.

Communism: Liberation of the people from the burdens of liberty.

Disinheritance: Heir cut.

Neighbors: The only people who listen to both sides of an argument.

Modesty: Being comfortable that others will soon discover your greatness.

An allowance is what you pay your children to live with you.

Repressed: Sitting on one’s inner demon to keep it decorously immobilized, as practiced by lifelong Presbyterians or anyone who attempts to exchange pleasantries with a tyrannical boss.

(1950 – ) American author, satirist, webmaster & copywriter

Leftovers: Repast history.

Insurance: A form of gambling in which we bet our chance of escaping disaster, and win only when we lose.

Sleet: A slipcover.

Fable: A story told by a teenager arriving home after curfew.

Delegation: In American politics, an article of merchandise that comes in sets.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Fiddlesticks: Violin bows.

Yawn: It’s always dullest just before the yawn.