Subject: Definitions (Page 32)

Bimbo: Any woman to whom you pay a compliment, while in the company of your wife.

Accordion: A pleated bagpipe.

Alimony: Bounty after the mutiny.


Puttering: Woman’s word for man’s work.

Sinker: Lead weight attached to the end of a length of fishing line to facilitate the speedy disposal of unwanted lures.

Sympathy: What one usually gives to a friend or relative when he doesn’t want to lend him money.

Wisdom: Knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech.

Accountant: Someone hired to explain that you didn’t make the money you did.

Bathing Suit: A garment cut to see level.

College: A fountain of knowledge where students gather to drink.

Artichoke: The only vegetable you have more of when you finish eating it, than you had when you started.

Colleague: The person to whom one passes the buck.

Antiques: Furniture that is too old for poor folks but the right age for rich people.

Statistician: Someone who is good with numbers, but lacks the personality to be an accountant.

Gimme: An agreement between two duffer golfers who can’t putt.

Parole: A period at the end of a sentence.

Gifted Children: Unfortunate tykes who lack the good sense to hide their talents from overly ambitious parents.

Telephone: A contrivance for letting us talk to people whom we don’t want to meet.

Etiquette: A convenient code of conduct which makes lying a virtue and snobbishness a righteous deed.

Newspaper: A publication that condemns gambling and promotes lottery numbers.

Anatomy: The belly of a very small insect.