Subject: Definitions (Page 5)

Conscience: A device that doesn’t keep you from doing anything – just keeps you from enjoying it.

Cantaloupe: Gotta get married in a church.

Sewing Circle: A group of women who needle each other.

Motherhood: If it was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor.

Hanging: A suspended sentence.

Prejudice: A great time-saver that enables one to form opinions without bothering to get the facts.

Bisexual: A person who pays for sex.

Cat: A lap warmer with a built-in buzzer.

Debt: A trap which a man sets and baits himself, and then deliberately gets into.

Key Ring: A handy little gadget that allows you to lose all your keys at once.

Disinheritance: Heir cut.

Advice: the smallest current coin.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Shakespeare: A man whose writings are so excellent it’s believed someone else must have written them.

Oaf: An old fashioned jerk.

Dark Ages: Knight time.

Subsidy: A formula devised by politicians to give you back some of your own money in such a way that you are supposed to think it’s a gift.

Luxury Resort: One where a waiter expects a $2 tip when he presents a $6 bill for serving a $3.50 bottle of beer.

Foreword: An author’s apology.

Electrician: A person who wires for money.

Stomach: A bowl-shaped cavity containing the organs of indigestion.

Consumer: One who delights advertisers by acquiring unnecessary products.