Subject: Definitions (Page 70)

Entrepreneur: What you’re called when you don’t have a job.

Altar: Place where a man loses control of himself.

Testosterone: Hormone which causes facial hair, muscularity, a deep voice, speeding tickets, the desire to watch professional wrestling, Arnold Shwarzenegger movies, war, fist fights, and the need to purchase cocktails for women with names like “Boom Boom.

Innocent Bystander: A person so simple-minded he doesn’t know enough to get out of the way.

Tricycle: A tot rod.

Small Town: Where everybody knows what everybody else is doing, and all buy the weekly newspaper to see how much the editor dares to print.

Communism: Nobody’s got nothin’, but everybody’s workin’.

Chef: Any cook who swears in French.

Conference: The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.

Bisexual: A person who pays for sex.

Politician: A fellow who borrows your pot in which to cook your goose.

Farmer: A man who is outstanding in his field.

Litigant: A person about to give up his skin for the hope of retaining his bones.

Puttering: Woman’s word for man’s work.

Atrophy: An award given to those who do not exercise.

Automated: A couple making love in a car.

Learning: The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Deterrence: The art of producing, in the mind of the enemy, the fear to attack.

Definition: A statement intended to put a word in its place.

Depression: A period in which you have no belt to tighten.

Selfish: Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist