Subject: Definitions (Page 8)

Preheat: To turn on the heat in an oven for a period of time before cooking a dish, so that the fingers may be burned when the food is put in, in addition to when it is removed.

Hallucination: A belief owned exclusively by one person.

Compromise: An amiable arrangement between husband and wife whereby they agree to let her have her own way.

Alarm Clock: That which scares the daylight out of you.

Fiddlesticks: Violin bows.

Gold Digger: A girl who will date any man that can pass the asset test.

Nursery: Bawl room.

Dictator: One who thinks he can take it – no matter to whom it belongs.

Tips: Wages we pay other people’s help.

Slander: To lie, or tell the truth about someone.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Agreeable Person: One who agrees with me.

Home: A place where a man is free to say anything he pleases because no one pays any attention to him.

Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Class Reunion: Where everyone gets together to see who is falling apart

Patriotism: The willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons dreamed up by politicians.

Self-esteem: An erroneous appraisement.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Foosball: A combination of soccer and shish kabobs.

District of Columbia: A territory bounded on all sides by the United States of America.

Gardening: Man’s effort to improve his lot.

Temptation: Something which, when resisted, gives happiness and which, when yielded to, gives even greater happiness.

Smile: To expose a portion of one’s skeleton as a gesture of goodwill toward a fellow human.