Subject: Entertainment (Page 37)

Elvis may have been the king of rock 'n' roll, but I am the queen.

Richard Penniman (1932 – ) American singer & pianist

He had delusions of adequacy.

(1913 – 1996) writer & Broadway theater critic

There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.

(1899 – 1980) English filmmaker & producer

The New Kids on the Block lip-syncing – who gives a damn?… that's like finding out the Muppets didn't sing their own music.

comedian, television writer

I’d rather be Frank Capra than God… if there is a Frank Capra.

(1912 – 1999) American writer and director of plays & films

It wasn't that no one asked me to the prom, it was that no one would tell me where it was.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

Sophia Loren plays peasants; I play ladies.

(1927 – ) Italian actress & photojournalist

Mr Lewis’ pictures appeared to have been painted by a mailed fist in a cotton glove.

(1887 – 1964) English biographer, critic, novelist & poet

There are five stages in the life of an actor: Who’s Mary Astor? … Get me Mary Astor… Get me a Mary Astor type… Get me a young Mary Astor… Who’s Mary Astor?

(1906 – 1987) American actress

Karaoke: Japanese for “Drunk with Microphone.”

Xylophone: Small toy musical instrument often given as gifts to children who show their appreciation by playing the stupid thing constantly, over and over, all day long; see also "drums."

Men don’t care what’s on TV… they only care what else is on TV.

(1954 – ) comedian & television actor

Never look at the trombones; you’ll only encourage them.

(1864 – 1949) German composer

Begathon: A multi-day event on public television, used to raise money so you won't have to watch commercials.

(1954 – ) American comedian, writer & musician

A buxom temptress… more impressive in silhouette than in action.

(1927 – 1980) English theatre critic & writer

Look, it’s my misery that I have to paint this kind of painting, it’s your misery that you have to love it, and the price of the misery is thirteen hundred and fifty dollars.

(1903 – 1970) Russian artist

My husband went to Radio Shack and got some dog ears for the TV.

Modesty in an actor is as fake as passion in a call girl.

(1916 – 1987) television actor & comedian

It is disappointing to report that George Bernard Shaw appearing as George Bernard Shaw is sadly miscast in the part; satirists should be heard and not seen.

(1896 – 1955) American playwright

Accordion: An instrument whose music is long drawn out.