Subject: Epitaphs (Page 14)

Here lies Rob Master, Faith! 'twas very hard, to take away an honest Robin's breath; yes, surely Robin was full well prepared. For he was always looking out for death.

Murdered by a traitor and coward whose name is not worthy to appear here

Charity, wife of Gideon Bligh, underneath this stone doth lie. Nought was she e'er known to do, that her husband told her to.

Here lies the body of Richard Hind, – Who was neither ingenious, sober, nor kind.

Elizabeth McFadden, wife of David P. Read. Died Feb. 28, 1859, in her 47th year. She never done a thing to displeas her husband.

I would – rather be here – than in Texas.

He got a fish-bone in his throat and then he sang an angel's note.

"May ye be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead"

The wedding-day appointed was, and wedding clothes provided, before the nuptial day, alas! He sickened and he die did.

Poor Martha Snell, she's gone away. She would if she could, but she could not stay; she'd two bad legs, and a baddish cough, but her legs it was that carried her off.

Ma Dyed [sic]

"Here lies my husband – what else is new"

Here lies Scott Jacobson – Who came upon an evil lich, he didn't even think to run, and ended up in this ditch

Cast a cold eye on life, on death. Horseman, pass by!

Samuel Gardner was blind in one eye and in a moment of confusion he stepped out of a receiving and discharging door in one of the warehouses into the ineffable glories of the celestial sphere.

That is all

A zealous locksmith died of late, and did not enter Heaven’s gate. But stood without and would not knock , because he meant to pick the lock.

Here richly, with ridiculous display, The Politician's corpse was laid away. While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged, I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged.

Mitchell – Well This Sucks

I Was Supposed To Live To Be 102 and Be Shot By A Jealous Husband

Beneath this grassy Mound now rests One Edgar Oscar Earl, Who to another Hunter looked Exactly like a squirrel.