Subject: Epitaphs (Page 22)

Here lies a man who while he lived was happy as a linnet. He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it.

Here lies Salvino Armalo D'Armati of Florence, the inventor of spectacles. May God pardon his sins!

Here lies Bernard Lightfoot who was accidentally killed in his forty fifth year.

Here lie Walker's particles.

Here lies one who never sacrificed his reason to superstitious God, nor ever believed that Jonah swallowed the whale.

Here lies poor but honest Bryan Tunstall. He was a most expert angler until Death envious of his art, threw out his line hooked him, and landed him here the 21st day of April, 1790

I'm in on a plot.

Here lies (the Lord have mercy on her) One of Her Majesty's maids of honour: she was young, slender, and pretty; she died a maid — the more's the pity.

Here lies the Body of Captain Tully. Aged an hundred and nine years fully. And threescore years before, as Mayor, the sword of this city he did bear. Nine of his wives do with him lie, so shall the tenth when she doth die.

Sacred to the memory of Anthony Drake, who died for peace and quietness sake; his wife was constantly scolding and scoffin; so he sought for repose in a twelve-dollar coffin.

Sacred to the memory of My husband John Barnes Who died January 3, 1803. His comely young widow, aged 23, has many qualifications of a good wife, and yearns to be comforted.

The dust of Melantha Gribbling Swept up at last by the Great Housekeeper

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Here lies the body of Martha Dias, who was always uneasy, and not over pious; she lived to the age of three score and ten, and gave that to the worms she refused to the men.

Near by these grey rocks, enclosed in a box, lies hatter Cox who died of small pox.

John Palfryman who is buried here, was aged four and twenty years. And near this place his Mother lies, likewise his father when he dies.

The dust of Melantha Gribbling, swept up at last by the Great Housekeeper

She was good but not brilliant; useful but not great.

Tabitha wife of Moses Fledger Aged 55 – We shall miss thee, mother (Job printing neatly done.)

Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was on the way down – it was.

He is not here – But only his pod; He shelled out his peas – And went to his God.