Subject: Epitaphs (Page 24)

Here lies the landlord Tommy Dent In his last cosy tenement.

Stranger pause and shed a tear, for Mary Jane lies buried here. Mingled in a most surprising manner with Susan, Marie and portions of Hannah.

She tormented him until he dried up like a bundle of Straw.

Let her RIP

Here lies England's premier baron, – Patiently awaiting the last trump.

If Heaven be pleased when sinners cease to sin, if Hell be pleased when sinners enter in, if Earth be pleased when ridded of a knave, then all are pleased for Coleman’s in his grave.

I thought my doctor said I was heading for a rave.

Alass Frend Joseph, His End was Almost Sudden, as thou the mandate came express from heaven his foot it slip and he did fall help, help he cries & that was all.

Here lies one who for medicine would not give, a little gold, and so his life he lost: I fancy now he'd wish again to live, could he but guess how much his funeral cost.

Accidentally shot as a mark of affection by his brother. After life's fever, I sleep well.

Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake. Stepped on the gas instead of the brake.

Was suddenly killed at early dawn, July 4th, 1842, by the explosion of a small canon, aged 15 years

Come blooming youths, as you pass by, And on these lines do cast an eye. As you are now, so once was I; As I am now, so must you be; Prepare for death and follow me.

My life’s been hard, and all things show it; I always thought so and now I know it.

I bowl'd, I struck, I caught, I stopp'd. Sure life's a game of cricket; I block'd with care, with caution popp'd, yet Death has hit my wicket.

Here lies Bob Master. Faith! t’was very hard to take away an honest Robin’s breath. Yes, surely Robin was full well prepared, for he was always looking out for death.

Learn the living from the dead, how easy breaks life's tender thread

Against his will, here lies George Hill, who from a cliff – fell down quite stiff. When it happened is not known, therefore not mentioned on this stone.

Ruth and Johnny, Side by side, Went out for an auto ride, They hit a bump. Ruth hit a tree, And John kept going – Ruthlessly.

Here lies the body of Robert Lowe. Whither he’s gone I do not know. If to the realms of peace and love, farewell to happiness above. If to a place of lower level, I don’t congratulate the d…l.

Listen, Mother, Aunt and me, were killed, here we be. We should not had time to missle had they blown the engine whistle.