Subject: Epitaphs (Page 25)

Ruth and Johnny, Side by side, Went out for an auto ride, They hit a bump. Ruth hit a tree, And John kept going – Ruthlessly.

To the Green Memory of William Hawkings, Gardener: Planted Here With Love and Care By His Grieving Colleagues

Near by these grey rocks, enclosed in a box, lies hatter Cox who died of small pox.

Here lies the man Richard, and Mary his wife, whose surname was Prichard. They lived without strife, and the reason was plain. They abounded in riches, they had no care nor pain, and his wife wore the britches.

On the 22nd of June. Jonathan Fiddle Went out of tune.

Die? … My dear Doctor, that's the last thing I shall do!

(1784 – 1865) English statesman

Reader if cash thou are – In want of any – dig 4 feet deep – And thou wilt find a Penny.

"I knew this was going to happen to me."

When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.

Here lies Fuller's earth.

Planted here beneath sod. At peaceful rest lies brother Claude

In Memory of Jacob, third son of Capt. Jacob Rice, died May 7, 1818 Et. 9 yrs. – His death was occasioned by the fall of a dung fork, one tine penetrating his brain.

I bowl'd, I struck, I caught, I stopp'd. Sure life's a game of cricket; I block'd with care, with caution popp'd, yet Death has hit my wicket.

Here lies the body of Obadiah Wilkinson – And Bulb, his wife. – Their warfare is accomplished.

Here lies interr'd a man o' micht, they ca'd him Malcolm Downie; he lost his life ae market night, by fa'ing aff his pownie. [pony] Aged 37 Years.

Here lies one that once was born and cried, Lived several years — and then he died

Well this was fun, let's dit again sometime.

Fhebe Sprague. – In the sixteenth year of her age, – Natively quick and spry – As all young people be, – When God commands them down to dust, – How quick they drop you see.

To the Memory of Abraham Beaulieu. Born 15 September 1822. Accidentally shot 4th April 1844. As a mark of affection from his brother

Here lies James Dunn – he raced for the crossing but the train won

Ingenious youth, thou art laid in dust. Thy friends, for thee, in tears did burst.