Subject: Epitaphs (Page 29)

Here lies the body of Detlof Swenson, waiter. God finally caught his eye.

Here lies old twenty five per cent. The more he had the more he lent. The more he had the more he craved, great God, can his poor soul be saved?

Here lies my wife in earthy mould, who when she lived did naught but scold. Peace! wake her not, for now she’s still; she had, but now I have my will.

DOUBT – Martha Mae “Take the back roads!” • Bill – “It’s five o’clock somewhere!”

He heard the angels calling him, from the celestial shore. He flopped his wings and away he flew, to make one angel more.

I was somebody. – Who, is no business – of yours.

No doctor ever physicked me, was never near my side. But when fever came I thought of the name, and that was enough – I died.

I've finally stopped getting dumber.

Owen Moore, gone away. Owin' more, than he could pay

GELOW – Francis & Yvonne – On Vacation – Hold mail – Lived

Die? … My dear Doctor, that's the last thing I shall do!

(1784 – 1865) English statesman

Here lies Dead Tom

Here lies Lord Coningsby – be civil, the rest God knows – so does the Devil.

Here beneath this stone we lie, back to back my wife and I, And when the angels trump shall trill, If she gets up then I'll lie still!

My wife lies here. All my tears cannot bring her back, Therefore, I weep.

I Was Supposed To Live To Be 102 and Be Shot By A Jealous Husband

 Here lies the body of Dr Hayward, a man who never voted. Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.

A thousand ways cut short our days, none are exempt from death. A honey-bee by stinging me did stop my mortal breath.

Now Go Away and Leave Me Alone

… With patience wait perforce to die And in a short time you'll come to I.

Here lies the body of William Beck – He was thrown at a hunt and broke his neck.