Subject: Epitaphs (Page 3)

Murdered by a traitor and coward whose name is not worthy to appear here

I thought my doctor said I was heading for a rave.

Here lies the body of Samuel Proctor, who lived and died without a doctor.

This is the grave of Mike O'Day, Who died maintaining his right of way. His right was clear, his will was strong. But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.

At last I get top billing.

Here lies – Johnny Yeast – Pardon me – For not rising.

Here doth lye the bodie – Of John Flye, who did die – By a stroke from a sky-rocket – Which hit him on the eye-socket.

My life’s been hard, and all things show it; I always thought so and now I know it.

This debt I owe is justly due, and I am come to sleep with you.

I knew if I stayed around long enough, something like this would happen

He Never Killed a Man That Did Not Need Killing

As a stranger she did die, in strange lands she doth lie. Here by strangers she was laid, and her funeral charges paid.

Jonathan Grober died dead sober. Lord thy wonders never cease.

James B. McCoy – Member Co. D 17th Iowa Inf. which mustered in 1165 men and mustered out 42. Participated in 19 battles and 3 sieges. Never Applied For A Pension.

How sleep the brave who sink to rest, by all their country's wishes blest, they sleep not in their regimentals. Such things being here not deemed essentials.

Behold! I come as a thief. – Death loves a shining mark. – In this case he had it.

Never born, Never died: visited the planet earth between December 11, 1931 and, January 19, 1990.

Here lies the body of Johnny Haskell, A lying, thieving, cheating rascal; He always lied, and now he lies, He has no soul and cannot rise.

The body of Benjamin Franklin, printer like the coyer of an old book its contents torn out and stripped of its lettering and gilding, lies here food for worms. – Yet the work itself shall not be lost for it will, as he believed, appear once more in a new and more beautiful edition corrected and amended by the author.

Faults I May Have – Being Wrong is Not One of Them

“I did it my way and I wound up here.”