Subject: Epitaphs (Page 3)

Learn the living from the dead, how easy breaks life's tender thread

Poor John Scott is buried here, tho' once he was both hale and stout. Death stretched him on his bitter bier, in another world he hops about.


Although this stone may moulder into dust, yet Joseph Moodey's name continue must

GELOW – Francis & Yvonne – On Vacation – Hold mail – Lived

Here lies the body of Samuel Crane – He ran a race with a passenger train. He got to the crossing and almost across. Sam and his car was a total loss. Sams spirit now tolls his knell. That Sam is on his way to well – If he only took time to stop look and listen, He'd be living now instead of missing

Beneath these green trees rising to the skies, the planter of them, Isaac Greentree lies! A time shall come when these green trees shall fall, and Isaac Greentree rise above them all.

Robert Phillip, gravedigger: Here I lie at the Chancel door; Here lie I because I am poor; The farther in the more you pay; Here I lie as warm as they.


Here lies Scott Jacobson – Who came upon an evil lich, he didn't even think to run, and ended up in this ditch

Hedemark (1949-2001) – See You Soon

Here lies Donald and his wife Janett McPhee, aged 40 he and 30 she.

Well this was fun, let's dit again sometime.

On the 22nd of June. Jonathan Fiddle Went out of tune.

Getting there is half the fun!

He is not here – But only his pod; He shelled out his peas – And went to his God.

Here lies the body of Jane Gordon. With mouth almighty and teeth accordin!

I put my wife beneath this stone, for her repose and for my own.

Charlie was a chemist, but Charlie is no more. What Charlie thought was H20 was H2SO4.

… Dentist Brown – Is filling his last cavity.

All you that please these lines to read, it will cause a tender heart to bleed, I murdered was up on the fell, and by the man I knew full well; by bread & butter which he'd laid, I, being harmless, was betray'd. I hope he will rewarded be, that laid the poison there for me.