Subject: Epitaphs (Page 5)

Captain Thomas Coffin, died 1842, age 50 years. He's done a-catching cod and gone to meet his God.

Rab McBeth – who died for the want of another breath.

A Funny Thing Happened

He got a fish-bone in his throat and then he sang an angel's note.

OOPS!, he died – Love from us your father, Tom jr. and Mary

Here lies England's premier baron, – Patiently awaiting the last trump.

Tabitha wife of Moses Fledger Aged 55 – We shall miss thee, mother (Job printing neatly done.)

As a stranger she did die, in strange lands she doth lie. Here by strangers she was laid, and her funeral charges paid.

He was a simple man who died of complications.

He had six bullets but he needed seven.

Jonathan Grober died dead sober. Lord thy wonders never cease.

Martha and I together lived – Just two years and a half; – She went first, and I followed after – the cow before the calf.

Charlie was a chemist, but Charlie is no more. What Charlie thought was H20 was H2SO4.

John Le Mesurier wishes it to be know that he conked out on November 15th. He sadly misses family and friends.

(1912 – 1983) English actor

Here lies Frank a shining light, whose name, life, actions all were white.

Here lies (the Lord have mercy on her) One of Her Majesty's maids of honour: she was young, slender, and pretty; she died a maid — the more's the pity.

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Praises on tombs are trifles vainly spent; a man's good name is his best monument.

Here lies one who never lied before. And one who never will lie More. To which there need be no More said.

I would – rather be here – than in Texas.

Assuming my death has occurred, and five doctors have concurred. Please REVIVE me! If you can get no breath, take the person who caused my death, and bury them right beside me.