Subject: Exaggerations (Page 2)

His car is so expensive that instead of a stereo, Pavaratti takes requests from the back seat.

It is so hot… the trees are whistling for the dogs.

She is so ugly… when she walked in to Taco Bell, everyone ran for the border.

He is so ugly… when he throws a boomerang it won’t come back.

He is so fat… when his beeper goes off, people think he's backing up.

His ears are so big… he heard the sun come up.

It is so hot… no shirt, no pants, no problem.

He is so fat… he has group insurance.

She’s so stupid… if you give her a penny for her thoughts, you'll get change back.

She is so slow… she has to speed up to stop.

It is so hot… the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

She is so short… you can see her feet on her driver's license picture.

She is so fat… when you tell her to haul ass, she gotta make two trips.

He is so fat… he's on both sides of the family.

It is so hot… by the time I got home from buying eggs, I had twelve chicks in the bag.

He is so fat… his shadow weighs 12 pounds.

She is so fat… when she was a kid she could only play seek.

It was so cold… pickpockets were sticking their hands in strangers' pockets to keep warm.

He is so fat… his driver's license says, “picture continued on other side.”

She is so stupid… she can’t make ice without a recipe.

He is so ugly… when he walks into the bank they turn off the cameras.