Subject: Exaggerations (Page 2)

His ears are so big… he heard the sun come up.

He is so fat… his high school graduation picture was an aerial photograph.

His nose is so big… he has to lift it to eat.

It is so hot… I saw a chicken lay a fried egg.

His car is so expensive that instead of a stereo, Pavaratti takes requests from the back seat.

It is so hot… potatoes cook underground.

She’s so ugly… when she entered an ugly contest the judges said, "No professionals."

She's so fat… when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate.

She is so fat… she can't even jump to conclusions.

It was so cold… flashers were just describing themselves.

He is so ugly… when he walks into the bank they turn off the cameras.

He is so ugly… his doctor is a vet.

His car is so expensive the radiator requires Perrier.

He is so dumb, blondes tell jokes about him.

His head is so big… he has to step into his shirts.

It is so hot… chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

He is so old… his social security number is 6.

He is so dumb… his dog teaches him tricks.

He is so fat… he had his own area code.

It is so hot… the cows arre giving evaporated milk.

He is so fat… I had to take a train and two buses just to get on his good side.