Subject: Exaggerations (Page 3)

He is so fat… his shadow weighs 12 pounds.

He is so fat… people jump over him rather than go around.

She is so fat… she can't even jump to conclusions.

His ears are so big… he heard the sun come up.

Hagi could open a tin of beans with his left foot.

English football player

She is so old… she's in God's year book.

She is so old… she used to baby-sit Jesus.

He is so poor… he can't even pay attention.

It is so dry… I caught a catfish that had ticks on him.

He is so fat… when he gets his shoes shined he has to take the man's word for it.

It is so hot… the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

She’s so stupid… if you give her a penny for her thoughts, you'll get change back.

She is so ugly… when she walked in to Taco Bell, everyone ran for the border.

It was so cold… my shadow froze to the sidewalk.

He is so fat… when he steps on a scale, it reads "one at a time, please."

He is so stupid… he got fired from an M&M factory for throwing out all the W's.

She is so stupid… she took a blood test and failed.

He is so ugly… when he walks into the bank they turn off the cameras.

He is so fat… when his beeper goes off, people think he's backing up.

He is so fat… his driver's license says, “picture continued on other side.”

I've seen insects walking around with kneepads.

(1971 – ) Irish comedian, actor & writer