Subject: Expressions


Humorous colloquialisms, idioms and expressions containing exaggeration, hyperbole & regional slang from around the country, though particularly from rural America.

So skinny she’d have to stand up twice to make a shadow.

… since God's dog was a pup

It's as dark as the inside of a cow.

If I was doin’ any better, I’d have ta hire somebody to help me enjoy it!

If you told her to haul butt, she would have to make two trips.

So short he has to stand on a box to kick a duck in the ass.

It's hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell.

Hotter than a depot stove

Swingin' my legs from a dime

I feel like death eatin’ a soda cracker.

Proud as a dog with two tails

She has a four-pocket backend.

You could just charm the dew off of a honey suckle.

Like licking honey off a blackberry vine

Crazier than a dog in a hubcap factory

Quit spitting on the handle and get to hoeing.

As useless as a pocket on a cow

She could eat an apple through a picket fence.

Like socks on a rooster

Ornery as an old pine knot

She's so skinny, she has to run around in the shower to get wet.