Subject: Expressions (Page 7)

She could eat an apple through a picket fence.

She's tall enough to go duck huntin' with a rake.

Jesus loves him, but he is the only one.

Her mouth looks like a jaybird’s ass in pokeberry time.

He’s so lazy, he’d marry a pregnant woman.

It's so flat you can look down the road and see the back of your head!

He's grinning like a possum eating a persimmon.

We were so poor we had to eat dough for breakfast and sit out in the sun for lunch!

Looks like he’s been sortin’ wildcats.

He’s about as awkward as a cow on crutches.

He goes to church on Sunday, steals chickens on Monday.

She looked at me like a cow looking at a new gate.

She makes pancakes so thin they’ve got just one side to them.

He was grinnin like a possum eatin a sweet tater.

Nervous as a hound pissing peach pits

If I was doin’ any better, I’d have ta hire somebody to help me enjoy it!

He sure has hay on his horns today.

If things get any better, I may have to hire someone to help me enjoy it.

I just asked you what time it was, not how a watch works.

She has a four-pocket backend.

Harder’n baptizing a cat.