Subject: Family (Page 23)

A family vacation is when you go away with the people you need to get away from.

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

I didn’t hate my mother; it was an accident!

(1940 – 1994) Puerto Rican actor

My brother is gay and my parents don’t care, as long as he marries a doctor.

(1952 – ) comedian

The time I was kidnapped, and the kidnappers sent my parents a note they said, “We want five thousand dollars or you’ll see your kid again.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us

I love my dad… he used to be a professional wrestler in Mexico, so, it was cool growing up with him ’cause when he hit us, he didn’t really hit us.

(1976 – ) comedian

Parents: The one thing children wear out faster than shoes.

Money isn’t everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children.

(1943 – ) English comedian

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around; but when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

A gypsy girl sent an email to an [advice columnist] “I am 12 years old and haven’t had sex yet, do you think my brother is queer?”

(1942 – ) Scottish comedian, musician & actor

Baby: Nine months interest on a small deposit.

When my old man wanted sex… my mother would show him a picture of me.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

It’s better to be black than gay because when you’re black you don’t have to tell your mother.

comedian, composer & lyricist

I’d be the only dad keeping his kids home from school to teach me how to get to the next level on a video game.


One of my grandfathers died when he was a little boy.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

The worst feature of a new baby is its mother’s singing.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child; we can’t decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

I’ve got two children; to be honest I always wanted three children; now I’ve got two, I only want one.

(1968 – ) English comedian & actor


Children are the most desirable opponents at Scrabble as they are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.

(1950 – ) writer & humorist

There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton terribly restless.

(1876 – 1933) screenwriter