Subject: Family » Parents

Many children threaten at times to run away from home — this is the only thing that keeps many parents going.

(1917 – 2012) comedian & actress

If your parents never had children, chances are you won’t either.

(1936 – ) television talk show host

My parents never understood me; they were Japanese.

(1919 – 1985) Scottish comedian & actor

They waited until I was 20 to tell me I was adopted, and then last Christmas, they told me they were kidding.

(1974 – ) Russian-born American comedian, writer & filmmaker

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn’t have anything to do with it.

(1922 – 1973) Israeli teacher & child psychologist

My parents are mixed-race… my father prefers the 100 meters… my mom is Pakistani.

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

If you’ve never been hated by your child, you’ve never been a parent.

(1908 – 1989) American actress of film, television & theater

My parents used to take me to the pet department and tell me it was a zoo.

(1942 – ) Scottish comedian, musician & actor

My parents didn’t want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty, and that’s the law.

(1954 – ) comedian & television actor

When I went to college, my parents threw a going away party for me, according to the letter.

(1956 – ) American comedian

The only thing I said to my parents when I was a teenager was “Hang up, I got it!”

comedian, writer, actor & producer

Parents are not quite interested in justice, they are interested in peace and quiet.

(1937 – ) comedian & television actor

Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents’ shortcomings.

(1919 – 1990) educator & writer

[A successful parent is one] who raises a child who grows up and is able to pay for his or her own psychoanalysis.

(1941 – 2012) American novelist, producer, screenwriter & director

We kept Mommy on a pedestal… it was the only way we could keep Daddy off her. – of life in a family with 12 children

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

I’ve noticed that one thing about parents is that no matter what stage your child is in, the parents who have older children always tell you the next stage is worse.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

Parents: One of the hardships of a minor’s life.

Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children.

(1835 – 1902) English composer, author & satirist

When I was 15 years old, I got my learner’s permit, which meant that the state of Florida was now obligating me to learn to drive with the two worst drivers in the world: my mom and my dad.

(1959 – ) American comedian, comedy writer, actor & author

Parents: The one thing children wear out faster than shoes.