Subject: Food/Drink » Alcohol (Page 10)

Several members of our youth department are collecting donations for Operation Graduation. Funds will be used for a drug and alcohol party following graduation on May 29th.

Someone asked, “Mr. Fields, I read in the paper where you consumed two quarts of liquor a day. What would your father think about that?

Fields’ reply: He'd think I was a sissy.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

Wine we need for health, and the health we need to drink vodka.

(1938 – 2010) Russian politician

It looks different when you're sober; I thought I had twice as much furniture.

(1927 – 2018) playwright & screenwriter

A tavern is a place where madness is sold by the bottle.  

(1667 – 1745) Irish satirist & essayist

A drinking contest?!? What am I, 12… and at my boyfriend's frat party?!

(1968 – ) American actress & singer

He has a profound respect for old age… especially when it’s bottled.

(1890 – 1960) journalist, author & dramatist

I was so drunk last night I fell down and missed the floor.

(1917 – 1995) singer, actor & comedian

It's quite true I'm not drinking anymore; however, I'm not drinking any less either.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

Patsy: What will you drink if you stop drinking?
Edina: I shall drink water.
Patsy: [Blank look]
Edina: It’s a mixer, Patsy, we have it with whisky.

(1958 – ) English comedian, screenwriter & actress

Follow seven beers with a couple of Scotches and a thimble of good marijuana, and it's funny how sleep just sort of comes on its own.

(1921 – 2001) Welsh comedian & singer

Now don't say you can't swear off drinking… it's easy; I've done it a thousand times.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

I must get out of these wet clothes and into a dry Martini.

(1889 – 1945) actor, author & humorist

Stay busy, get plenty of exercise, and don’t drink too much… then again, don’t drink too little.

Never program and drink beer at the same time.

I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.

(1953 – ) American singer, songwriter, actor, author & radio personality

One martini is alright, two is too many, three is not enough.

(1894 – 1961) author, cartoonist & humorist

The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday.

An Irishman is not drunk as long as he still has a blade of grass to hang onto.

When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place.

(1930 – 2017) American journalist & author

We are in such a slump that even the ones that aren’t drinkin’ aren’t hittin’.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager