Subject: Food/Drink (Page 15)

Fish is the only food that is considered spoiled once it smells like what it is.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

Cooking With Pooh

Light beer? What’s next, non addictive pain killers?

(1958 – ) American actress & singer

There are two rules for drinking whisky: first, never take whisky without water, and second, never take water without whisky.

(1919 – 1985) Scottish comedian & actor

It's easy to distract fat people; it's a piece of cake.

(1972 – ) English standup comedian, writer & actor

Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log.

(1958 – ) comedian, actress & television host

I don't care where I sit, as long as I get fed.

(1935 – ) columnist, journalist & novelist

We could not have had a better dinner had there been a Synod of Cooks.

(1709 – 1784) English author, essayist, critic, editor & lexicographer

Tommy (Lasorda) will eat anything, as long as you pay for it.

American baseball player, manager & executive

I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.

(1894 – 1956) American radio comedian

When you have bacon and eggs for breakfast, the chicken makes a contribution… the pig makes a commitment.

(1925 – 1990) Canadian hockey player, coach & general manager

I got food poisoning today… I don’t know when I’ll use it.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Alcohol… enables Parliament to do things at eleven at night that no sane person would do at eleven in the morning.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

Never accept a drink from a urologist.

(1927 – 1996) columnist & humorist

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may diet.

Follow seven beers with a couple of Scotches and a thimble of good marijuana, and it's funny how sleep just sort of comes on its own.

(1921 – 2001) Welsh comedian & singer

Cookin’ With Coolio

You’re probably aware that Britain stopped evolving gastronomically around the year 1242.

(1977 – ) British political comedian & television host

The closest thing I have to a nutritionist is the Carlsberg Beer Company.

(1976 – ) Irish actor

Square meals often make round people.

American entrepreneur & author

The item you had your eye on the minute you walked in will be taken by the person in front of you.