Subject: Government (Page 30)

A liberal is one who has both feet planted firmly in the air.

(1900 – 1965) diplomat & Democratic politician

Nothing can so alienate a voter from the political system as backing a winning candidate.

American comedian & actor

The first time I went to a restaurant, they asked me: “How many in your party?” and I said “Six hundred million.”

(1951 – ) Soviet-American comedian

The right to bear arms is slightly less ludicrous than the right to arm bears.

(1972 – ) English standup comedian, writer & actor

A liberal’s generosity is only limited by your income.

The Democrats have an answer to the unemployment problem; they're all running for the presidency.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

Nothing is as dangerous as an unemployed lawyer.

David Gerrold (1944 – ) science fiction author

We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but people wouldn't obey the rules.

English author, actor, humorist & playwright

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

A taxpayer is someone who does not have to take a civil service exam in order to work for the government.

A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.

(1880 – 1956) journalist, essayist, editor & satirist

I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I intend to open this country up to democracy, and anyone who is against that, I will jail.

(1918 – 1999) Brazilian military leader & politician

Why am I running for president? … Well, my wife… says it is because I sustained several severe blows to the head in prison camp.

(1936 – 2018) U.S. senator (Arizona) and presidential candidate

A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead.

(1908 – 1997) German-born teacher, academic & humorist

A man's wife has more power over him than the state has.

(1803 – 1882) essayist, poet, & philosopher

1. Always hire a rich solicitor.

2. Never buy from a rich salesman.

My parents were very pleased that I was in the Army; the fact that I hated it somehow pleased hem even more.

(1934 – ) Australian comedian, satirist, artist, & author

If there's anything a public servant hates to do it's something for the public.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Never murder a man who is committing suicide.

If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts. If you have the law on your side, hammer the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table.