Subject: Government (Page 33)

People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that can't live within its income.


Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated.

(1874 – 1936) English author & mystery novelist

Some of our folks went to Washington to drain the swamp and made partnership with the alligators instead.

U.S. Senator (1942 – 2015) U.S. senator (Tennessee) & actor

If law school is so hard to get through… how come there are so many lawyers?

(1935 – ) columnist, journalist & novelist

Ever notice how many government officials make their raises effective long before they ever are?

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

Government Bureau: Where the taxpayer’s shirt is kept.

Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is really quite as satisfying as an income tax refund.

Capitol: The seat of misgovernment.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Logic and taxation are not always the best of friends.

(1862 – 1946) American jurist & Supreme Court justice

A statesman is a successful politician who is dead.

(1839 – 1902) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

I don’t want to know what the law is, I want to know who the judge is.

(1927 – 1986) American attorney

The amount of time required to complete a government project is precisely equal to the length of time already spent on it.

No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

(1911 – 2004) 40th U.S. president & actor

The Irish… don’t care for clean government; they want Irish government.

(1869 – 1944) Canadian economist & humorist

All other things being equal, a bald man cannot be elected President of the United States.

1. If the facts are against you, argue the law. 2. If the law is against you, argue the facts. 3. If the facts and the law are against you, yell like hell.

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

(1713 – 1784) French philosopher, art critic & writer

As long as you are a tax deduction, you will always be safe in my house.

(1961 – ) American comedian, actor & talk show host

Critics noted Schwarzenegger’s only previous government experience was serving as chairman of the Council of Physical Fitness, where his only responsibility was doing hundreds of jumping jacks he was doing anyway.

(1962 – ) American political satirist, writer, television host & comedian

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.

(1940 – 1993) composer, guitarist, record producer & film director