Subject: Headlines (Page 46)

Analysis: Jobs End Welfare

"The Pill" Might Prevent Acne Too

Heaven Is Giving Up Smoking, Says Pope

Heads Fly To Funeral

California Seeks 13,000 Sex Offenders

Celibacy Could Make Priests Extinct

Time Machine Found In Brain

Michelle Obama Wore Clothes to Light the Christmas Tree

Taxes Take Longer Because of Complex Forms

Man Shot In Los Boliches

Army Vehicle Disappears

Health Officials Were Given Hip Warning In 1995

Police: Thief Stole 400K Toothpicks In Georgia

Wrestling Midgets Are Killed By Fake Hookers

Man Is Fatally Slain

Tomatoes Come In Big, Little, Medium Sizes

Fresno Council to Talk About Talking Less at Meetings

Train Driver Temporarily Blinded by Exploding Pigeon

Cancer Society Honors Marlboro Man

Missing Teen Found in Colon

Peer’s Seat Burns All Night; Ancient Pile Destroyed