Subject: Headlines (Page 64)

Time Machine Found In Brain

Bugs Flying Around With Wings Are Flying Bugs

Supreme Court Ponders Whether Innocent Person Can Be Executed

Heaven Is Giving Up Smoking, Says Pope

Happiness Cannot Be Bought, But It Lengthens Life

Study: Gay Clergy Disregarding Church Ban On Celibacy

Oasis Album Could Be Record

Police Target "Invisible" Cycle Riders

Indianapolis Man Charged With Wreckless Driving

Toxic Waste Tour Planned

Keegan Fills Schmeichel’s Gap With Seaman

Swazi King, 2 Sons Poison Suspects

Transsexuals Benefits Cut Off

Community Bands Together to Help Burn Victim's Family

Man Held Over Giant L.A. Brush Fire

Governor’s Penis Busy

End Of Cold War Does Little To Reduce Trench Coat Sales

Town to Drop School Bus When Overpass is Ready

New Zealand Scientists Use Balloon to Measure Cattle Farts

California Wildlife Destroys Over 40 Homes

Man Tries To Pay For Dinner With A Bag Of Pot