Subject: Headlines (Page 77)

Fence Not Keeping Deer From Waltzing

Babies Used To Sneak Drugs Into Prison

Debate About Hanging Suspended

Police Probe 'Suspicious' Body in Cemetery

Cops Demanding Bribes From Aliens

Officials Say Death By Firing Squad Not That Bad

Monitor Lizard Fails To Explode In MP's Toilet

Man Tells Police His Crack Dealer Ran Over Him

McCain Leads Clinton and Obama in Dog Fight

Scientists: All Men Look at Porn

Belcher Silences Giant Bats

Brain Removal Study Finds Few Volunteers

Woman Rents House But Complains About Corpse

Hunt For Killer Toxic Lard

Rolling Stones Give Free Concert – No One Killed

Onion Prospects Reported Strong

Bank Drive-in Window Blocked by Board

Seven Inches Is Enough, RIM Tells Jobs

U.S. Food Service Feeds Thousands, Grosses Millions

Goliath Cleared Of Assaulting Piranha At Club

Deer With Big Rack Female, It Turns Out