Subject: Headlines (Page 83)

Mobile Phone Threat To Universe

Watchdog Gets A New Head

Chef Throws His Heart Into Helping Feed Needy

12 On Their Way To Cruise Among Dead In Plane Crash

Airline Travel Safer Despite More Accidents

Peacock Pops Alien Invaders

Children Can Glow Safely

China Drag Queens Have Officials On Their Knees

Yeltsin Promises To Stay In Space

Threats Disrupts Plans To Meet About Threats

Priest in Fatal Crash Improves

Face Transplants No Longer Science Fiction

Sex Offender Cited For Selling Meat Door-To-Door

Irish Peat Bogs Rocked By Great Sheep Explosion

Creepy, Crawly Creatures Invade DC

Woman Not Injured By Cookie

Dead Dictator Wanted As President

"Cookie Monster" To Spend 15 Days In Jail For Violating Probation

Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Stands Ready to Provide Ass

Airport Plea For Visitors To Stay Away

Aliens On "Student" Visas Slip Under Net